@thesis{thesis, author={Januwarsono Santoso and Kusuma Pandu Tria}, title ={KAJIAN SVC (STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR) SEBAGAI PERALATAN PERBAIKAN TEGANGAN PADA PENYULANG GADA PT.PLN (Persero) AREA BOGOR}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={The distribution of electrical power from power plants to power load centers is designed as efficiently as possible with high reliability. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the quality of power supplied and the tension on the receiving end side must be maintained. In an area that has several load points and away from the substation will cause an increase in the length of the feeder channel. The longer the feeder channel will cause the power losses and voltage drops on the feeder. One way to reduce this is to compensate / channel the reactive power to the system. One device that can compensate for reactive power to the system is Static Var Compensator (SVC). From the simulation result using ETAP 12.6.0 software on the beverage of PT.PLN (Persero) Bogor area, obtained the decrease of voltage drop after installation of SVC at highest peak load condition that is at CDV section from 17,255% to 13,06%. And at low load conditions the largest drop in voltage drops in the CDV section from 6.075% to 5.78%. And from the simulation result also after the installation of SVC in Gada feeder then got the loss of power loss at peak condition condition equal to 19,92% and at low load condition 3,36%.} }