@thesis{thesis, author={Budiawan Lidya Utami and Sudibyo Uno Bintang}, title ={STUDI PERHITUNGAN EFISIENSI MOTOR INDUKSI PENGGERAK KIPAS PENDINGIN SISTEM PELUMAS UPJP PRIOK GT 2.2 DAN GT 2.3}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={A three phase induction motor is an electric machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. One of the utilization of an induction motor is for lubricating system cooling fan at UPJP Priok GT 2.2 and GT 2.3. The fan is important to cool the lubricant before used to lubricate the bearings and shaft on the turbine gas, compressors, and generators. The motor has been using for many years and will affect it?s performance. Therefore, required efficiency calculation study are done by no load test and locked rotor test. According to the standard minimum limit of the efficiency of 85%, it can be concluded that the condition of a cooling fan induction motor for lubricating system at UPJP Priok GT 2.2 and GT 2.3 are good enough because it is still within the limit.} }