@thesis{thesis, author={Muslihin Irsyad and Soewono Soetjipto}, title ={STUDI ASESMEN KABEL 20 kV BERDASARKAN PARTIAL DISCHARGE}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Technological developments from year to year increasing by leaps and bounds, of course, the development of technology should be coupled with an increase in the supply of electricity. In the electric power supply, of electricity raised up to the customer can be routed over the air or cable conduction. In big cities such as Jakarta in general is now widely used cables buried in the ground. This cable is commonly called the Saluran Kabel Tegangan Menengah (SKTM). Along with technological developments it is necessary to improve the quality of electrical power, which is necessary to assess the medium voltage 20 kV cables. Benefits of the assessment was to keep the cable distribution of electric power that is reliable, especially in densely populated areas and dense activity, because it is necessary to detect the cable operating conditions within a certain period. To ensure the reliability of distribution of electrical energy in the cable system, we need a system that can diagnose wiring conditions determine the condition of the cable in the field. Based on Partial Discharge measurements using the Oscillating Wave Test System (OWTS) which in the test can see the position mapping Partial Discharge, which can then be determined condition of the cable is in good condition or bad that guide the method of raising the ground cable will do.} }