@thesis{thesis, author={Prayoga Gunawan Tri and Siregar Masbah RT}, title ={ANALISIS KINERJA PLTS CENDI MANIK 15 KWP DI LOMBOK BARAT}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={Cendi Manik Solar Power Generator (PLTS) 15 kWp on Lombok Barat is one of electricity generator built far away from PLN main grid. Cendi Manik PLTS supplied electricity for 2 small village which is Sayong baru and Bartong. Since started the operation there are many important factor to PLTS that still unknown such as it is electricty production rate and the Performance Ratio (PR). An analysis must be made in this case to find out its maximum potential, then a simulation from PVSyst software provide shading factor. From this data compared to its real time production the result are PLTS potential generated form july to September consecutively 832,5 kWh; 832,5 kWh and 805,7 kWh. Whereas the Cendi Manik PLTS on other area are consecutively 835 kWh; 810 kWh and 825 kWh. These value is different compared to the simulation which is lower although not to far off. The amount of load in Cendi Manik affecting its PR, the simulation result from july to September are 33,1%; 30,9%;and 29% whereas this result is lower from the real result which are 36,18%; 31,82% and 30,24%. The factors that causing performance reduction are weather condition, shading and disturbance on the equipment on PLTS.} }