@thesis{thesis, author={Hanif Muhammad Ridhwan and Paryoto Djoko}, title ={Analisis Finansial dan Keandalan Pemanfaatan Fotovoltaik Untuk Mengatasi Jatuh Tegangan Listrik Aliran Atas KRL Staiun Duri - Tangerang}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={Electric train (KRL) is one of mass transportation which has better punctuality than the other vehicles. The existence of KRL is very helpful to minimize traffic jam that occurs because of personal transportation. KRL is driven by an electric motor which is supplied from the overhead contact system (LAA) using 1500 V DC. LAA which connected along the trajectory path of KRL will cause drop-out voltage due to the far distance conductor. Therefore, supply voltages of several transformers at a certain distance is needed to keep the main voltage of the electric motor. The drop-out voltage at some point could be covered by photovoltaic as renewable electric energy. Photovoltaic energy could also reduce the consumption of electric energy from the main supply (PLN). So that, the costs could be minimized and the operational reliability of KRL could be increased because it does not depend on one source only. In this thesis, it will be carried out a comparative study about financial and reliability analysis regarding to operational of KRL when using a single source from PT. PLN and photovoltaic.} }