@thesis{thesis, author={MUTTAQIN FUAD FATHANAH and PARYOTO DJOKO}, title ={MODEL PENETAPAN BIAYA POKOK PENYEDIAAN (BPP) TENAGA LISTRIK RATA-RATA PER GOLONGAN TARIF DI AREA MAKASSAR SELATAN}, year={2016}, url={}, abstract={In this study conducted a study to determine the scale model of the Base Supply ( BPP ) of electricity per type of voltage and to determine the amount of BPP Power per class fare at PT . PLN ( Persero ) region of South Makassar . This study uses the data of the operating costs December 2015 in the form of data production and sale of electricity , the data connected power ( kVA ) and energy consumption data ( kWh ) . From these data , calculated the cost of fixed and variable costs of energy consumption . Data variables to define the model BPP per voltages , among others SAIDI , SAIFI and tip voltage . Data variables to define the model BPP per class fare in addition to the data mentioned above observation is the load curve and Load Factor.} }