@thesis{thesis, author={Fanani Muhammad Zufi and Hidayawanti Ranti}, title ={PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN RICE HUSK ASH (RHA) SEBAGAI BAHAN SUBSTITUSI SEMEN PADA PEMBUATAN PAVING BLOCK}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={The used paving block in cities or parks and elite housing makes paving blocks be effective to use and the prices also affordable, this research makes paving blocks to be more efficient at lower price and utilize waste. The use of 5% substitute material for RHA waste with ratio of 1 cement (cement): 4 (sand) mixture can increase the compressive strength value at 28 days, This value 5,9% form the compressive strength of normal block paving wich is worth 14.4 Mpa. The other fuction of RHA waste reduce the value at 28 days is the smallest absorption value at 28 days variation of 20% mixture of RHA waste with water absorption value of 2.42% which is into quality B, while te highest wate absorption value is at 0% (normal) with a water absorption value of 11.04%. this percentage to quality D on average 10% used for roas. The optimum utilization of RHA waste is in the 5% variation with a compressive strength of value of Mpa and a value of absorption percentage of 6.74%. Based on the results of research on environmentally friendly paving blocks, the utilization of RHA waste as substitute for sand cement in a mixture of paving blocks is very influential, because it can increase th compressive strength of nomal paving block, this giving high economic value to RHA waste and can be used as an alternative environmentally construction material.} }