@thesis{thesis, author={Marsudi Djiteng and RATULASMAR ADHESTY DARMAYANTI}, title ={SISTEM KONTROL SUHU DAN TEKANAN UAP DALAM PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA UAP}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={Coal fire steam power plant is still important to produce an electricity power supply in Indonesia for the next ten years. It is caused by the coal cost which is cheaply (Rp 400/Kwh), in the other hand coal deposit in Indonesia is much relative too (368 billion ton). The development of coal fired steam power plant technology is prefer to use a boiler which produce pressure steam between 130 kg/cm2 until 190 kg/cm2 with the temperature is upper than 515ÂșC (called subcritical boiler). The use of this steam with pressure and temperature need a control system. The control system must follow a load chargement which is happened at steam power plant. This control system can also serve as protection for the equipment itself and also for personal work safeness. Steam power plant with subcritical boiler type has a power that can reach 800 MW/unit so that if accident is happened (explosion) can be dangerous for the environment. How to use this control system will be discuss shortly in this essay.} }