@thesis{thesis, author={Marsudi Djiteng and YOJANA I KETUT KARSA}, title ={KAJIAN TERJADINYA KEBAKARAN DALAM RUMAH ATAU GEDUNG KARENA BEBAN LEBIH DAN HUBUNG SINGKAT}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={Due to frequently of fires in home residents, shophouse or office complex with a sumption caused by short circuit, it is necessary to clarify in scientific method with several tests. In this essay, writer will discuss how engineering calculate the probability of short circuit happens in house/building installation that can cause fires. House installation consists of wires and its connection which could potentially cause fires if short circuit happens. But, house installation is also equipped with MCB and fuse. To cause fires, required a high temperature to reach the flash point of wiring material, dan need a certain time to determine heap heat so that the flash point can be achieved. If the installation protection system works good, then before the temperature of the flash point is reached, the current has been disconnected by the protection system so that fires can be prevented.} }