@thesis{thesis, author={HUTAGAOL DEWI ACTAFIA L. and Marnanto Donny}, title ={PREDIKSI USIA LAYANAN WADUK CIRATA, JAWA BARAT AKIBAT SEDIMENTASI DENGAN METODE KAPASITAS TAMPUNGAN MATI (DEAD STORAGE METHOD) DAN DISTRIBUSI SEDIMEN (THE EMPIRICAL AREA REDUCTION METHOD)}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={Cirata reservoir is located in Tegal Waru Village, Purwakarta Regency, West Java which is a part of 3 (three) large reservoirs of Citarum cascade, besides Saguling reservoir upstream and Juanda Reservoir downstream. The Cirata Reservoir was operated since 1988 for power generation, with 1008 MW of power capacity. Cirata Reservoir with hydroelectric power plant has a big role in the provision of electrical energy through the Java Bali - Madura interconnection system. Life Time of Cirata Reservoir is planned until 100 years. Looking the condition of Cirata Reservoir from the first operation until now, the reservoir was taking down of storage capacity caused by the sedimentation. This research used data from PT PJB BPWC in order to life time predict of Cirata reservoir due to the sedimentation with dead storage method and the Empirical Area Reduction method. Based on the prediction result with sedimentation rate 3,663 m3 /year, so the life time prediction based on dead storage method is 109 years and life time prediction based on the Empirical Area Reduction method is 282 years.} }