@thesis{thesis, author={Krisman Egy and Susanto Djoko}, title ={ANALISA EFISIENSI BOILER DI PLTU 2 LABUAN-BANTEN DENGAN METODE TIDAK LANGSUNG}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={The problem that often arises in the plant is the decrease of thermal efficiency of the plant, therefore it is necessary to analyze one of the components of the steam power plant in efficiency of PLTU 2 Labuan-Banten, one of them by using indirect method is by calculating the efficiency when HPH (outservice) And HPH (inservice), so that the results obtained efficiency of each HPH is 82.32% and 82.70% it shows HPH Inservice more efficient in the use of fuel and from the calculation of coal consumption flow obtained the difference between the use of coal HPH (outservice) Minus HPH (inservice) which is 3 ton / hour and multiplied by the assumption price of coal Rp 700,-/kg then obtained nominal Rp 2.100.000,-/hour thus in addition to efficient in the use of coal fuel HPH (inservice) also can save usage Coal 3 tons/hour with price Rp 2.100.000,-/hour.} }