@thesis{thesis, author={Pranoto Wati A. and Setiyanto Nanda Yogi}, title ={PERENCANAAN BANGUNAN PENGENDALI SEDIMEN (SABO DAM) DI SUNGAI CIMETA SUB DAS WADUK CIRATA – JAWA BARAT}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={Cirata Reservoir is a reservoir that inundated 3 districts, which are Cianjur, West Bandung, and Purwakarta. In the large of 62 km2 area and 2,165,000,000 m3 total water storage. Sedimentation becomes one of the problems in Cirata Reservoir. The sediments have an impact on the reduction of capacity and the age of the reservoir function. The rate of Cirata Reservoir sedimentation in 2012 has 5.727 million m3 / year, more than sedimentation rate design 2.2 million m3 / year. Therefore, Sabo dam construction is one of the solution that can be done to control sedimentation in the Cirata Reservoir inlet rivers. The Purpouses of this reaserch are for planning the design of sediment control dam which is safe on stability and knowing sediment volume storage. The method that is used in this research is by conducting hydrological analysis of Cimeta River discharge from AWLR measurement in 16 years Cirata Station to get the annual plan flood. The received debit is used to calculate sabo dam design. Then the sabo dam design is calculated the stability and the storage capacity. Based on the calculation, the result of sabo dam design are high of sabo dam opening is 5.725 m, total height of main dam is 4 m with upstream slope 1:0.7 and downstream slope 1:0.2. Length of apron is 15 m, and total height of sub sabo dam is 2 m. Sediment storage capacity is 3,733.912 m3 or 36.35% of total sedimentation in the Cimeta River.} }