@thesis{thesis, author={Cokroyudho Muhammad Sigit and Sudibyo Uno Bintang}, title ={PENENTUAN KUALITAS ISOLASI TRANFORMATOR TENAGA DENGAN PENGUJIAN TANGEN DELTA}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={Insulaton transformer coil on a transformer the most important part. Deterioration or failure of the coil insulation can cause operation failure or even damage to the transformer. One method to determine the condition of the insulation transformer coil is using the testing tangent delta. This thesis aims to present an evaluation of the performance and condition of insulation on a power transformer with testing tangent delta. The result is expected to be a reference for the next research. Tests carried out on samples of different transformers. Tangent delta transformer testing can be done in several modes, namely GST (Grounded Speciment Test), UST (Ungrounded Speciment Test), GSTg (Grounded Speciment Test Guard). Tangent delta measured by injecting avoltage and frequency are fixed and supported by software PowerDB Lite. PowerDB Lite will display a tangent delta, leakage current and power dissipation is generated. The data were analyzed.} }