@thesis{thesis, author={Hidayat Syarif and SATRIA MOCHAMAD RUDY}, title ={PERANCANGAN ALAT PENGATUR INTENSITAS CAHAYA DENGAN KENDALI INFRARED}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={The role of the lights is very important, so a lot of the industry creates a wide range of technologies for the use of the light intensity of the lamp, there are several kinds of product and brand of lights from the cheap to the expensive. Setting the light intensity on this incandescent light using a microcontroller with remote control. When on circuit dimmer settings is done manually by changing the value of the prisoner on the potentiometer. On the design of these detainees given already specified, each change of custody will change the light intensity of light on incandescent bulbs. The tool is designed alloys from several electronic circuit consisting of a power supply circuit, a series of Infrared transmitters, infrared receiver circuits, microcontroller circuits, and circuit dimmer. The result of the work of this light intensity regulator tools provide value prisoner who stages set up Dim bright incandescent light.} }