@thesis{thesis, author={RAHMADHANI AULIA and Rosid Rosid}, title ={PERHITUNGAN TAHANAN KAKI MANUSIA DI GARDU INDUK MENGGUNAKAN RUMUS BERHINGGA (FINITE EXPRESSIONS)}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={The number of grounding substation usually get by coated the surface substation with crushed rock layer. Crushed rock layer also has a high resistivity, which is higher than the resistivity of land under the substation. The calculation of footing resistance usually use the infinite expressions, and for simpler calculation made a curved curve. This paper will be assessed of footing resistance without using infinite expressions. This study used equivalent footing resistance with circular metal plate which is o,08 meters diameter and use truncated cone with certain point of vie. This methode make the calculation of footing resistance becomes easier.} }