@thesis{thesis, author={Marsudi Djiteng and WIBOWO PRATAMA ADI}, title ={PROTEKSI RELAY DIFERENSIAL DI PLTU DALAM KAITAN DENGAN SISTEM KONTROL}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={The power system consists of generation, transmission and distribution. To meet the electrical energy needs in the wake of the centers of power generation in many countries, especially in Indonesia. One type of plant that is in use is a steam power plant (power plant) coal-fired. The main components in the power plant is the boiler (boiler), steam turbine, condenser and a synchronous generator. In the electric power system of coal-fired power plant's role in Indonesia will remain large until 10 years from now, because coal is the cheapest fuel. On the other hand coal-fired power plant control system is the most complex control systems in comparison to the other generating unit control system. Also keep in mind that the power systems are generally large units up to 1,000 MW power plant units. In this skripsi will be discussed linkages electrical protection system (generator) in the power plant control system related to the installation drive generator (Turbine and Boiler)} }