@thesis{thesis, author={SASTRAWAN I KOMANG ARI and SP Sampurno}, title ={PERHITUNGAN RUGI – RUGI DAYA PADA KAWAT BUMI SALURAN UDARA TEGANGAN EKSTRA TINGGI 500 KV CAWANG – MUARA TAWAR}, year={2014}, url={}, abstract={Extra High voltage ( EHV ) Transmission lines and High Voltage ( HV ) Transmission lines is a transmission are laid in open areas, so it be risky of getting a lightning strikes. To protect the phase line from lightning strike, grounding wires are placed on top of phase wires. the voltages and currents in the phase wires that are relatively close to the grounding wires, causes an electrostatic induction and electromagnetic induction, giving rise to the voltage and current induced on grounding wires. Appearance of induced current on the grounding wires are not desirable, because it can lead to power losses on grounding wires. This thesis discusses the magnitude of the current and voltage induced by the phase wires, and calculated of power losses grounding wires on Extra High voltage (EHV) Transmission lines, Cawang - Muara Tawar.} }