@thesis{thesis, author={Pujotomo Isworo and Swastadiguna Swastadiguna}, title ={OPTIMASI EFISIENSI PHOTOVOLTAIC UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRODUKSI ENERGI LISTRIK}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={Photovoltaic as an environmental friendly technology is expected to be able to replace conventional plants that are less environmental friendly. However, the low efficiency of the current best Photovoltaic which only reached 17.4% is the main constraint development, especially from economic perspective. The increase in temperature of Photovoltaic leads to decreased performance and thus reducing the efficiency. A test is conduct to determine the influence of temperature towards Photovoltaic. The test is done by giving different treatments to Photovoltaic, for example, testing without cooling system and testing with cooling system that use water as the coolant medium. The cooling system is capable of lowering the temperature of Photovoltaic from around 50oC to around 30oC. The cooling system is able to increase the production of electrical energy from Photovoltaic by up to 19%. The cooling system with water is suitable to be used when the average intensity received by the panel is greater than or equal to 673.6777W/m2 due to the increased production of electrical energy is greater than consumption for operating the cooling system. Consumption savings of cooling system can be done by reducing the operating time from 15 to 6 minutes. The other method of saving is timing the operation of the cooling system in which the system should be operated when the panel temperature has increased significantly from 34oC, but not operated when the panel?s temperature is below 34oC and with low sunlight intensity} }