@thesis{thesis, author={Fajrin Jayanthi Pradnyaparamita and Sm Hastanto}, title ={PERBANDINGAN WAKTU DAN BIAYA METODE SOSROBAHU (CAST IN SITU) DAN METODE SEGMENTAL (PRECAST) UNTUK PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN PIERHEAD (STUDI KASUS : PEMBANGUNAN JALAN TOL JAKARTA – CIKAMPEK II (ELEVATED))}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={The selection of pier head implementation methods in the field will affect the time of completion of the work and the cost incurred. This study aims to see the comparison of cost and duration of pierhead cast in situ implementation using sosrobahu and pierhead precast method using segmental method by finding the area and volume of both methods. To calculate the cost used by HSP Minister of Public Works Regulation no. 11 / PRT / M / 2013 by using unit price of materials and wages of Bekasi City, while for duration is calculated based on the coefficient of both methods (OH). The result of this research is obtained from the aspect of the implementation method of pierhead cast in situ work using sosrobahu method is easier but must bring in expert team for the implementation of sosrobahunya while the pierhead precast work using segmental method is rather complicated for the process of implementation method and not done in the same place. in terms of pierhead precast implementation time using segmental method takes 25 days, while for the implementation of pierhead cast in situ sosrobahu method is longer 15 days is 40 days and in terms of cost pierhead precast with segmental method cheaper Rp.297.045.460, - and if the existing 168 pier using precast method occurs savings of Rp. 49.903.637.306, -} }