@thesis{thesis, author={FELANI ARIS and Sumani Sambodho}, title ={STUDI PERENCANAAN SISTEM PLTS UNTUK PERAHU NELAYAN PENGGERAK MOTOR LISTRIK DC}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={Research on the use of alternative energy continues to be done to anticipate the supply of oil and gas (oil and gas) that continuously. One of the users of this oil is aboard as a means of transportation, alternative energy is energy derived from nature than fuel that is more environmentally friendly. Utilization of the electric motor as the prime mover fishing boat intended to be free of fuel oil (BBM) and as an effort to preserve the aquatic environment of discharges of waste fuel. In this study, utilizing a boat belonging to P3TKP utilize battery power for operation for 8-9 hours. Total battery is not sufficient for the operation of more than 9 hours. Therefore, in this study need to be calculated energy sources charger for boat operation so that no boat running out of electricity a concern middle of the road. This study will take into account the solar energy as a battery charger. From the test while using a DC motor of 370 watts and 4 pieces of 100 Ah battery, the battery has been successfully supplying energy to major load DC motor with taking power (recharge) is 2 volts per 10 minutes with an electric current (ampere) changing the speed conditions ( rpm) changing anyway.} }