@thesis{thesis, author={Basri Hasan and RAFLESIA RANDY}, title ={PERHITUNGAN RUGI-RUGI DAYA PADA JARINGAN TEGANGAN RENDAH STUDI KASUS GARDU DISTRIBUSI PCSJ 112 RAYON CIREBON KOTA}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={Power losses in the distribution network , in this case the low voltage network , having the largest presentation and power losses that occur in the power system . To measure the power loss due to the extent of many faces kesuiltan distribution network . So, we need a method to calculate the power loss . In skirpsi will discuss one of the methods to calculate the power loss and compared with the actual state of the field . The calculation is performed in distribution substations , as for how that is done is by way of calculating the voltage and current on the network to search for voltage losses in the network . Then sought power loss that occurs so that the bias found the energy loss in the low voltage network .} }