@thesis{thesis, author={Arianti Dewi and DIRGANTARA AGAM}, title ={Implementasi Metode Dijkstra Pada Sistem Informasi Geografi Untuk Mengetahui Jarak Lokasi Wisata (Studi Kasus : Dinas Pariwisata Dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kuningan)}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={Kuningan district is a district in West Java province, Indonesia. The capital is Brass. As one tourist destination in Java Island, City of Brass has a wide range of tourist interest. Most tourists come to the City of Brass to see the culture and tourism. In the delivery of the information is still manual, such as the provision of brochures, pamphlets, posters, and books do if there are tourists who come to visit a tourist attraction visited. In this context I would like to creativity in work and also want to introduce tangible results of my work to the public in the form of mobile applications. This system will provide information on tours, hotels, history, sites, typical food, souvenirs, culture and information and other supporting and can map the location to determine the shortest path to tourism and hotels nearby using algorithms dijkstra by utilizing GPS technology and Google maps API (Application Programming Interface) on android smartphone. The establishment of a system using the Eclipse software, tools JAVA SDK and the Android SDK. From the foregoing it will be built a system based on mobile GIS applications Android. Where these applications will be easier for the public to provide information on a map the location of the existing attractions in the City of Brass with information about facilities such as hotels, sites, specialties and souvenirs or other info-specific} }