@thesis{thesis, author={Indrianto Indrianto and YOGASWARA YOGI}, title ={PERANCANGAN ALAT PERAGA MODUL PRAKTIKUM EMBEDDED SYSTEM MENGGUNAKAN ARDUINO}, year={2013}, url={}, abstract={Practical implementation of embedded systems in the high school environment PLN Jakarta technique using ATmega328-based lab module, which is a tool used Arduino. To further support the embedded systems lab at the Technical High School environment PLN, required model tools and lab module to assist practitioner in doing practical tasks. In making of the research model tools and lab module embedded systems using microcontrollers using Arduino prototyping methods. The study began with the identification of the problem, data collection and analysis. Then entered into the software design and hardware. Implementation of the test directly to the practitioner. And checked back to see the test results shortcomings, so that improvements can be made. The research study produced an experimental model tools and module embedded systems that can be used to support the practical implementation of embedded systems. Based on test results obtained that all lab module can be implemented properly and as expected.} }