@thesis{thesis, author={QURAIS M. and Sumani Sambodho}, title ={EVALUASI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MUTU SUPLAI SISTEM SUTM}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={In theelectricity system, there are four sub-systems including generating systems, transmissionsystems, distribution systems, andload. Thereforewe need a systemreliabilityon the sideprokteksinyato maintain thesupply of electrical powertocustomersremainstableand lesssusceptible to interferenceorobstacles. To improvekeandalandanquality ofsupplyinthe distribution systemair ductsmedium voltagenecessary to do someeffortanddesign ofequipmentin the airways andmedium voltagein order to obtainthe level ofreliabilitysuch as, the type ofconductorused, breakingcapacityby taking into accountfactorsdirect current, timebreak, insulation resistanceagainstsurgelightning, resilienceisolation ofsystem voltage.} }