@thesis{thesis, author={Fitriani Yessy and RAHMAWATI DIAN}, title ={PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI LAPORAN KINERJA PERUSAHAAN BERBASIS WEB PADA PT PLN (PERSERO)}, year={2014}, url={}, abstract={During PT PLN requires an information to determine the achievement of performance targets and the realization of the unit, for this data is the data obtained from the unit in the form of Excel that has not been processed so that there is no information on the achievement of targets and realization meneningkat or decreased .. In this study, the authors designed an information system to address existing problems. In this design, the authors use the waterfall method for systematic and sequential approach starting from system level requirements and then headed to the stage of analysis, design, coding, testing / verification, and maintenance. Referred to as step-by-step waterfall that passed had to wait the completion of the previous stage and run sequentially. The results of this design in the form of information systems web-based enterprise performance reports. With this information system and the management unit may obtain performance information current year's and last year in detail. In addition, the management unit and also can save the report are structured in the same database that can be accessed easily when needed.} }