@thesis{thesis, author={Kustanrika Irma Wirantina and MARSELLA TIA}, title ={PRODUKTIVITAS TOWER CRANE PADA PEKERJAAN CORE WALL LANTAI 1 DAN 2 PROYEK APARTEMEN MARIGOLD AT NAVAPARK}, year={2016}, url={}, abstract={The method of implementation, the use of tools and scheduling is as the basis of planning the implementation of the project. The success of a project can be measured from two things, namely the benefits and timeliness of project completion. Selection of construction equipment to be used becomes an important role. Construction tools are considered to have a high capacity when it is capable of producing high or optimal but remains at a low cost. Construction tools or often referred to as heavy equipment is a tool purposely created to be able to carry out any of the functions or activities of the construction process egregious when by human, such as: lifting, hauling, digging, loading, moving, mixing and so forth. On conditions on the ground of the tower crane can perform various kinds of work in a day. To calculate the effective productivity of a tower crane is based on observations in the field which is the object of observation is the construction of floors 1 and 2 Marigold Apartments project at NavaPark. The assumption is meant is the observation of a tower crane on the job core wall structure and calculate the time or hours a tower crane that is linked to productivity. Observation is meant is the work of bearing core wall reinforcement, reinforcement beams and reinforcing floors and other appointment that support development work floors 1 and 2. Productivity tower crane within one hour can produce the appointment or the optimal production but because of tower crane work not only serve core wall structures only. In calculating the execution time of the data used tower crane tower crane which includes speed hoisting, slewing, trolley and landing, the data rotation angle, height difference of data floor and wall core volume data. From the calculation, hourly production amounted to 1,541 m³ / h. After getting the production per hour, it can be calculated across time execution of work core wall. At different heights between the 1st floor and 2nd floor to experience the difference in the extra time needed tower crane at the production time of 5.1 seconds.} }