@thesis{thesis, author={JUMARNI RATIH FITRIA and Siswipraptini Puji Catur}, title ={APLIKASI PEMETAAN PELANGGAN YANG MELAKUKAN PELANGGARAN PENGGUNAAN TENAGA LISTRIK MENGGUNAKAN GMAP BERBASIS WEB}, year={2014}, url={}, abstract={Controlling Power Consumption (P2TL) is an examination conducted by the Customer installation PLN to curb electricity usage. This is done by PLN to reduce the losses that have been experienced by PLN.namun curb electricity use in the implementation of a wide range of problems that may arise P2TL officers found it difficult to find a valid location for the existence of customers who commit violations. Therefore, it is necessary to apply an application that can help employees work PLN, Especially among employees P2TL divisions, Energy Transactions, Administration, and Human Resources. The research method used in mapping applications that customers use electricity violation using a web-based GMAP This is the waterfall model. This application is built with PHP programming language and MySQL as database server. Application mapping customers who violate the use of electric power using a web-based GMAP is designed to facilitate the activities of employees PLN in regulating the use of electricity as it can be done online.} }