@thesis{thesis, author={RISANGGANAMI PRAJWALITA and Sangadji Iriansyah BM}, title ={PENDEKATAN MODEL SISTEM SYARAF BUATAN DALAM PREDIKSI DINAMIKA CUACA KAWASAN BANDARA SOEKARNO – HATTA}, year={2014}, url={}, abstract={At the beginning of its development, the computer is only used as a calculation tool. But along with the development of science and technology today, the computer now has a variety of functions, both as a tool for mathematical calculations, simulation, graphical modeling, as well as a tool to make predictions based on the data that is included in it is to predict the weather. In the field of air transport, the weather affects the safety aspect, so that accurate predictions will be very helpful to reduce the number of accidents caused by weather factors The weather prediction applications using a model system with artificial neural method SOM (Self-Organizing Map). Weather data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology Soekarno-Hatta Airport in 2013. The weather predictions using Matlab applications to generate data processing, performance based variable weather charts and maps to predict weather. With this application facilitates the prediction of the weather because it has been supplied display data processing based on the variables and the desired month, as well as chart and maps thet are used to see the spread of the weather in the Soekarno-Hatta Airport as well as to assist in decision naking whwn the aircraft is landing or flying.} }