@thesis{thesis, author={Karmila sely and KURNIATI RISKA DWI}, title ={RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI NOTIFIKASI PEMBAYARAN SPP MENGGUNAKAN PHP MYSQL DENGAN METODE PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM BERORIENTASI OBJEK UNIFIED APPROACH (STUDI KASUS : SMA ISLAMIC VILLAGE TANGERANG)}, year={2016}, url={}, abstract={SPP payment transaction information is a part of the management of financial administration with regard to the payment of school fees of which receive, recap, and report the money. The information runs on SMA Islamic Village Tangerang still use the process manually. So, a problem arises in terms of the effectiveness and efficiency of the management of data into an information in the process of management of the school. With the expansion of its pupils, this institution must also be able to provide the best service for their students. This makes the author to provide an application that is capable of integrating information needs that exist, one of them concerning the payment of the SPP. In this study, the author uses the PHP application developers programming and MySQL as the database. Application bermetode Unified Approach that facilitates the development and understanding of the system. The purpose of the design of the application to bring up notifications before and after payment of the SPP caregivers via e-mail. So, the application that implemented would help make it easier for caregivers to get notifications about payments of SPP} }