@thesis{thesis, author={Indrianto Indrianto and Prawira Ranggih Jaka}, title ={RANCANG BANGUN ALAT UKUR LITER DAN HARGA PADA PERTAMINI BERBASIS PROTOTYPE}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={This study makes measuring instruments liter and the price at pertamini-based prototype, is a tool that serves to measure how many liters are out of pertamini using water flow sensor. This study uses educational development Research and Development (R & D) is a process used to develop and validate a product of education. The results of research and development not only develop an existing product but also to find answers to the problems of knowledge or practical. Of the method used, the authors make a system useful tool for the retail and petrol sellers can help buyers to see the number of liters and the price is taken out from pertamini. Given this pertamini tool, is expected to address the fraud committed by the seller of retail gasoline because the tool can provide a more efficient dose than the dose of the retail gasoline sellers.} }