@thesis{thesis, author={Karmila sely and SAHATI SRI RUKMANA}, title ={SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK BERBASIS WEB PADA SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA NEGERI 5 MAKASSAR}, year={2014}, url={}, abstract={Junior High School 5 Makassar is one of the flagship state school in the city of Makassar, making this school much be a choice by the prospective parents, but so far information on SMPN5 Makassar is difficult to obtain because the system used was limited to the collection of information is still in the form of a written data. Based on the above, then Junior High School 5 Makassar require academic information systems with Web support to help resolve the problem. With the help of technology, the authors wanted the academic information system to support the web by using one of the applications, the PHP. This thesis discusses the online Registration Admission. The design method used is the waterfall method and using UML and software system design. After comparing the goals of software development to system test results then drawn some conclusions that were built software to help speed the delivery of information. Besides the the web-based information data can be accessed with a time and place not specified.} }