@thesis{thesis, author={SARI TIARA PUSPITA and Sm Hastanto}, title ={ANALISA DAYA DUKUNG TIANG PANCANG UNTUK ALTRNATIF RELOKASI DAN PENGGANTIAN TOWER 185 SUTET 500 KV BANDUG SELATAN - MANDIRANCAN 2}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={In the construction project of the first things done and done is the foundation (bottom structure). The buttom structure must be concerned detaily carefully. Therefore, the foundation should rest on hard ground conditions, especially for high-voltage wires tower foundation work should be more detailed and clear planning structure. If the foundation structure can not withstand the tower, the tower SUTET must be relocated in which tower voltage wires should be moved to a safer place (good soil conditions and location away from dense population). The purpose of this study to calculate the bearing capacity of pile foundation soil investigation data with the Cone Penetration Test (CPT) / Sondir and Standard Penetration Test (SPT) with methods Schmertmann-Nottingham and Mayerhof. Then it will be analyzed from the results of the carrying capacity of the foundation count by counting a decrease in the foundation, the foundation loading and security foundations. From the calculation results obtained pile bearing capacity of the soil investigation data is cone penetration test (sondir) with methods Schmertmann-Nottingham at the point sondir-1 (S-1) = 476.60 tons, sondir point-2 (S-2) = 432.84 tons and standard penetration test (SPT) using Mayerhof at the point-1 bore hole (BH-1) = 316.80 tons. The pile decrease result by using the results of calculations Schmertmann-nottingham on sondir point-1 (S-1) = 15.3 mm and at a point sondir-2 (S-2) = 13.11 mm. the results obtained from the data loading PT PLN (Persero) P3B BALI JAVA APP BANDUNG the tower 185 = 207.096 tons and the calculation of forces on the structure = 34.09 tons, as well as the security of pile foundation results obtained from the calculation on the data carrying capacity of the land at the point sondir S-1 = 76.71 tons> 34.09 tons ? ok, soil bearing capacity at point sondir S-2 = 73.63 tons> 34.09 tons ? ok, soil bearing capacity at point SPT (BH- 1) = 110.40 tones > 34.09 tons ? ok.} }