@thesis{thesis, author={Sepriyanna Irma and SOBIRIN NASIR ABDULLAH}, title ={ANALISA PERBANDINGAN TEGANGAN LELEH DAN TEGANGAN ULTIMIT BAJA TULANGAN D-32 STUDY KASUS KOLOM P5 PROYEK FLY OVER PEGANGSAAN DUA, KELAPA GADING}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={Reinforcing steel is a very important material in construction, unavoidable because the reinforcing steel is a strong determining factor in whether or not reinforced concrete construction. Overview of quality, mechanical feature, for ultimate stress and yield stress of slooping fins reinforcing steel (BJTs) diameter 32 mm in the case study of P5 column Pegangsaan Dua Fly Over Project, Kelapa Gading. The purpose of this study was knowing the quality of reinforcing steel that has been bent and straightened out again as in the case at the study site. This study can be used as a reference for future research. Overview of ultimate stress and yield stress necessary to considering that bent reinforcing steel experience a loss of quality. By knowing the quality of steel reinforcement in the test, it can be seen in what is the maximum bending bent rebars can still be used. Testing performed on slooping fins reinforcing steel diameter of 32 mm with IS brand, and the condition of the test object is in normal condition or without treatment, and the bending 135 °, 90 °, 70 °, 45 °, 25 ° and then straightened out again. Each treatment condition as much as 3 specimens. From the results of the testing that has been done, it can be seen sloping fins reinforcing steel with diameter 32 mm can still be used in the column P5 Pegangsaan Dua Fly over project is reinforcing steel which has a maximum of bend 90°.} }