@thesis{thesis, author={Djamain Yasni and IRWANDA IRWANDA}, title ={APLIKASI PENDETEKSI RGB DAN KOMBINASI WARNA MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR KAMERA BERBASIS ANDROID}, year={2016}, url={}, abstract={The development of information technology is currently in need of quick and accurate information in its implementation. The making of the application detection value of RGB and color combinations using android-based camera sensors one is one of the new technological developments aimed into the field of graphic design. The making of this application can generate an overview in the form of the RGB color values mecari, resulting in a combination of two colors with different colors. The criteria used in making the application detection value of RGB and color combinations are: using the method of state transition diagrams, provide information for the preferred color, meaning the search RGB value, yield a combination of two colors so as to create new colors. Results of detection of RGB value and color combinations using the camera sensor will be shown by generating RGB values of the image that is captured and generate new color from the combination of two selected colors.} }