@thesis{thesis, author={KHAIRULLAH DZULFIQAR and Makkulau Andi}, title ={Kajian Rele Diferensial Sebagai Proteksi Transformator Daya 60 MVA 150/20 kV Unit 1 Di Gardu Induk Serang}, year={2019}, url={}, abstract={The power transformer is a vital component at the substation. The transformer serves to channel electrical power from high to low voltage or vice versa and is expected to operate optimally because it can affect the electrical power distribution. To keep the transformer working optimally, the transformer is supported by protection in the form of a differential relay. from differential relay itself, namely: very selective and fast in overcoming interference, as the main safety in the transformer. Then the setting of differential relay must be done appropriately so as to prevent protection failure and increase the reliability of an electric power distribution system. The method used is quantitative descriptive method by requiring data parameters in the form of numbers. Serang-Banten 150 kV substation has a 60 MVA transformer. In this study all data is used to calculate the nominal current of the transformer, CT ratio, CT secondary current, slope, differential current, setting current, and short circuit current. After calculating, the value of : 230.94 A, : 1732.1 A, ratio CT150 300/5, ratio CT20 2000/5, and the calculated slope value of 28.225% with Isett 1.41 A, slope GI Serang obtained 30% with Isett 1.5 A, and the restain current value obtained is 4,089 A.} }