@thesis{thesis, author={Luqman Luqman and WINESIA OLLAF}, title ={PERANCANGAN APLIKASI TV INFORMASI DENGAN PENDEKATAN COGNITIVE WALKTHROUGH}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={During this time the students see the class schedule and faculty attendance at each course by asking the student section . This is less efficient , in this study the authors designed a TV application information to facilitate students to determine the presence of lecturers on the course schedule in one day . AT Process applications using PHP programming languages author , Php MyAdmin Astra Honda Motor as the database and software notepad ++ Astra Honda Motor as supporting. Stages - Stages Is Performed Planning Phase , Design Phase , Phase coding , and testing phase. HAVE TO Testing System is designed, the author uses to use Black Box Testing method. Result of the application of this information TV provides schedule courses and the presence of lecturers in each course in one day . It also allows students to receive college information} }