@thesis{thesis, author={Hariyanto Agung and Rosari Maria Tiara Wikan Pangestika}, title ={KAJIAN PEMELIHARAAN DAN ANALISA BIAYA AKIBAT TERJADINYA GANGGUAN PADA RELE BUCHOLZ TRANSFORMATOR DAYA #5 150/20 kV DI GARDU INDUK PONCOL BARU}, year={2019}, url={}, abstract={The power transformer has a function to channel electrical power while reducing transmission voltage to medium voltage which will be supplied to the medium voltage distribution network. The transformer has a protection relay that serves to detect and secure the transformer in case of interference with the transformer, one of which is Buchholz Relay. Buchholz Relay is a relay that protects the transformer when there is a small disturbance in the transformer tank, for example a short circuit in the transformer, it will cause gas. The gas formed will gather and put pressure on the relay on the way to the conservatory tank, so that the oil level in the relay drops and will move towards the alarm contact, then the gas bubbles press the alarm function contact which will send an alarm to the panel and cause the PMT to work. This research was conducted by taking data in the Power Transformer # 5 150/20 kV of the Poncol Baru Substantion and conducting a case study on the Power Transformer # 1 150/20 kV of the Ngunoronadi Substation. The research using quantitative methods because it refers to the formula used, namely: Ph = P × t × Rp 1325 / kWH. From the data and formulas, it is found that the amount of un-channeled electrical energy is 93866.96 kWH resulting in a loss of Rp 124,373,722.} }