@thesis{thesis, author={Baihaqi Willy Maqtal and Susanto Djoko}, title ={STUDI PENGARUH PEMBEBANAN DAN SUHU TERHADAP SUSUT UMUR TRANSFORMATOR TENAGA 60 MVA UNIT 3 DI GARDU INDUK MILLENIUM 150/20 kV}, year={2019}, url={}, abstract={In the electrical energy distribution system the transformer is the heart of a substation. A power transformer is an investment for a substation which must function according to its estimated life span. The life time of this power transformer is affected by the hot-spot temperature value which is affected by the magnitude of the load and the ambient temperature where the greater the load, the higher the temperature. With PLN standards applied a maximum of 98 . The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of loading and ambient temperature on the basic shrinkage of the Unit 3 transformer isolation at the Millenium substation during 2018 and to determine the remaining basic life of the transformer insulation. The data required is the loading data and ambient temperature during 2018 in Unit 3 of the Millennium Substation. Based on the average load from January to December, the results of the relative thermal ageing rate per month can be obtained from the average ageing rate of the entanglement of 2018 by 0.036175 with an estimated remaining life span of 20.5138 years.} }