@thesis{thesis, author={Abdurrasyid Abdurrasyid and Agtriadi Herman Bedi and WINASIS SURYO RISANG}, title ={RANCANG MODEL ROBOT PEMINDAH BARANG MENGGUNAKAN RASPBERRY DENGAN LINE FOLLOWERS TERINTEGRASI DENGAN ANDROID}, year={2017}, url={}, abstract={The usefulness of robots today are very important to help human life. Therefore, various types of equipment made by man to meet the needs of the activities and in carrying out activities, where the role of electronic equipment is quite important in the development of robotics technology one of which is robotic technology that has the ability to help people move goods automatically. To design and create a prototype robot movers using a prototype method. In this method, the manufacturing process starts from listening to customer complaints, namely warehousing industry. Once that is done the design and manufacture prototype robotic transfer of goods. Prototype were adjusted according to the needs of pre-defined system of customer complaints or last pengguna.Proses prototype tested by users. Then do the evaluation shortcomings of customer needs. Development then went back to listen to complaints from testers to improve the existing prototype. Of the process of making this robot in getting the results that can move goods in the form box from point 1 to point others to use the raspberry pi 3 as the central control and monitoring can use the live view} }