@thesis{thesis, author={Afrianda Rio and Arna Hanum Salsabilla Andi}, title ={ANALISA SETTING DAN PENGUJIAN OVER LOAD SHEDDING INTERBUS TRAFO #2 CAWANG (SUBSISTEM CAWANG 2,3-DEPOK 1)}, year={2022}, url={}, abstract={Loading that operates or works in parallel if there is a disturbance in one transformer can cause overloading of other transformers. To prevent overloading transformers operating in parallel must be equipped with OLS protection or Over Load Shedding and in this scientific paper what will be discussed is OLS IBT - 2 on the Cawang 2,3-Depok Subsystem 1. The loss of one IBT will overload the other IBT. The trip of a generator connected to the subsystem will cause the IBT to overload and trip in a short time. OLS on the IBT is a safety so that there is no overload on The IBT is by turning off part of the consumer's load so that the load can be carried out. In this case, testing and settings will be carried out on the OLS in IBT-2. The setting current for Over Load Shedding in the OLS IBT-2 test is 1900 A. In addition to OLS ,also adjusts the OCR value by setting thecurrent rating of 2250 A.} }