@thesis{thesis, author={Brunner I Made Indradjaja Marcus and Fatah Martin Choirul and Sarwono Eko}, title ={Pemodelan Regresi Linier Berganda Dalam Perhitungan Efisiensi Boiler Dengan Metode Heat loss}, year={2022}, url={}, abstract={Calculating boiler efficiency is needed to determine the reliability of boiler performance. One method often used in calculating boiler efficiency is heat loss method. This method conducted by calculating losses in the combustion process. Calculating boiler efficiency using heat loss method takes time and need detailed calculation process. The purpose of this research is to get regression equations modeling from the performance test results from PLTU X unit 1 at MCR 1 & 2 conditions, so these equation model can be used to get estimation of boiler efficiency value in another Coal Fired Steam Power Plant. Modeling conducted by SPSS Statistic Software. Data analysis performed using classic assumption tests are normality, linearity, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation tests, and then continued by hypothesis testing: F test (simultaneous) and T test (significance). To test the regression equation model, a study case was performed to calculate boiler efficiency value at PLTU ABC unit 1 MCR 1 & 2, PLTU ABC unit 2 MCR 1 & 2, and PLTU XYZ unit 1 MCR 1 & 2. By comparing boiler efficiency values generated by equation at 6 (six) case study, obtained a deviation between boiler efficiency values from regression equation results with the commissioning report results, with an average deviation of 1.28% for regression equation 1, and an average deviation of 0.63% for regression equation 2.} }