@thesis{thesis, author={HAE ROLAND STEVENSON and Karmila Sely and Wulandari Dewi Arianti}, title ={RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM PAKAR DIAGNOSA GANGGUAN KEJIWAAN ANOREKSIA NERVOSA DENGAN METODE FORWARD CHAINING BERBASIS WEB}, year={2023}, url={}, abstract={Anorexia nervosa is a disease characterized by significant weight loss, a distorted body image, and a relentless desire to be thin. This disease is classified as an eating disorder. In Indonesia, the risk of developing eating disorders ranges from 12 to 22%, and in 2016, one Indonesian newspaper reported that the number of people suffering from eating disorders had increased sixfold since 2010. According to the Indonesian General Hospital, up to 140 cases of eating disorders are reported annually, but only 10?20% seek treatment (Asia, 2020). The consultation treatment process is still carried out using the conventional system or face-to-face consultation, in this case at the Naimata Hospital, Kupang City. In this paper, the author proposes an Expert System design by implementing a web-based (online) Forward Chaining algorithm to make it easier for doctors or psychiatrists in the initial diagnosis process of anorexia nervosa and saves time for the general public who wish to conduct consultations. From the results of calculating the average rating of the entire questionnaire statement distributed by the author on the anorexia nervosa application, it was found that the respondents showed a score of 4.2 from a scale of 1.0 - 5.0 , or it was said that the respondents had an assessment that was in the rating that agreed with the designed application.} }