@thesis{thesis, author={Jaya I Nyoman Gede Yudhi Maharsa and Widyastuti Christine}, title ={EVALUSI PENINGKATAN MUTU PELAYANAN DAN KEANDALAN PADA PENYULANG CIMPAEUN PLN UP3 DEPOK MENGGUNAKAN LOAD BREAK SWITCH (LBS) THREE WAY}, year={2023}, url={}, abstract={System reliability is the opportunity for a component or system to fulfill the required function for a certain period. the quality of reliability can be seen from the duration of the blackout or SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) and losses from unsold kWh or ENS (Energy Not Served). To minimize SAIDI and ENS losses when blackouts occur due to disturbances, namely by installing a Three Way Load Break Switch (LBS) at the intersection of the cimpaeun feeder network. Installation of a Three Way Load Break Switch (LBS) for a SUTM feeder network or feeder that has branches and there is no switching point at the branch, so the installation of a Three Way Load Break Switch (LBS) on a SUTM feeder is very effective in accelerating recovery time so that it can reduce the SAIDI value and ENS. In the 2020 cimpaeun feeder, before the Three Way Load Break Switch (LBS) had a SAIDI index of 275.9 minutes/customer/year and an ENS of 102,239.3 kWh with a total loss of IDR/kWh of IDR. 150,115,713. whereas after installing the Three Way Load Break Switch (LBS) on cimpaeun feeders in 2021, the SAIDI index results were 77.06 minutes/customer/year and ENS was 33,313.88 kWh with a total loss of IDR/kWh of IDR 48,980,736 .} }