@thesis{thesis, author={Djamin Yasni and SEPTIAN DHEMAS and Wulandari Dewi Arianti}, title ={PENERAPAN METODE SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING UNTUK MENENTUKAN GURU BERPRESTASI DI SMP N 1 KEMANGKON}, year={2022}, url={}, abstract={Teachers are professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students. To stimulate the spirit of teachers in their work, it is necessary to have a supporter to appreciate the activities of teachers called Achievement Teachers. This research was conducted using the simple additive weighting method to determine outstanding teachers at the Education Office of Purbalingga Regency. In conducting an assessment of outstanding teachers, there are four assessment criteria. The four assessment criteria are pedagogic criteria, personality, Scientific Writing (KTI), and competency certificates. Of the four criteria, each criterion has an assessment weight of 25%. Of the four criteria, each criterion cannot be separated from its sub-criteria, the following is the first sub-criteria of the pedagogical criteria which has sub-criteria such as mastering student characteristics, developing curriculum, developing student potential, and interacting with students. Then the personality criteria are to act in accordance with national religious, legal, socio-cultural norms, show a mature personality, have a high work ethic and be proud to be a teacher. Furthermore, there are no sub-criteria for Scientific Writing criteria and competency certificates, because in this criterion, teachers must write papers that are in accordance with their fields and certificates are used to add value to other criteria.} }