@thesis{thesis, author={Firdaus T M and Haris Abdul and Sikumbang Hengki}, title ={MODEL PERAMALAN PERMINTAAN MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA REGRESI LINIER BERGANDA PADA KOMODITAS CABAI MERAH KERITING}, year={2022}, url={}, abstract={Forecasting is a process to predict the size of the results in the future using data in the past, in this study explains how the process of forecasting the demand for curly red chili in the future in the DKI Jakarta area is. However, in the past, there was price instability in red chili caused by supply and demand. In this research application, we design a multiple linear regression model to determine the results of demand predictions by entering the average price of curly red chili, population and demand by locking the demand factor as the dependent variable to predict the number of requests in the coming year. The process of calculating the demand for forecasting curly red chili in the DKI Jakarta area is 43.645 tons for 2023 with the result of a test value of 0,557 in the research conducted by the author. The calculation of the test results is carried out with the Root mean squer error (RMSE) test with an error value of 0,557.} }