@thesis{thesis, author={Fitriani Yessy and Luqman Luqman and Munthe Yessi Oktari}, title ={PENERAPAN METODE RSA (RIVEST, SHAMIR, ADLEMAN) DAN QR CODE UNTUK KEAMANAN SERTA PENGELOLAAN DATA INVENTARIS BARANG (STUDI KASUS PT. PLN UPDL JAKARTA)}, year={2022}, url={}, abstract={The purpose of this study is to maintain the security of inventory data and use QR Codes to fix the ongoing system, namely conventional labeling of goods. The study used the RSA algorithm (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) for the cryptography of inventory item data security. Cryptography is carried out to improve the validation of goods. The data used is in the form of inventory data which includes the item code, item name, brand, type of goods, condition of the goods and location of the goods. The cryptographic process is carried out on the database by entering inventory item data then it will be stored in the database and the application will perform encryption calculations of the inventory item data. The encryption results will be placed on a database that cannot be read by anyone for data security and create a QR Code that can be printed and pasted on inventory items for ease in finding goods data.} }