@thesis{thesis, author={Anshari Hafizh and Makkulau Andi}, title ={Analisis Perhitungan Susut Daya dan Penanggulangan Anomali Akibat Suhu Hotspot Titik Terminal Jumper Konduktor Dengan Pekerjaan Dalam Keadaan Bertegangan (PDKB) Pada SUTT 150kV Pelabuhanratu Semenjawa}, year={2023}, url={}, abstract={Along the transmission line, there are no outside or internal influences that can cause interference with the transmission line. One of the internal influences that can cause interference is the occurrence of hotspots. To detect hotspot anomalies, thermovision activities are carried out with thermovision activities and become a reference for corrective maintenance follow-up. If the hotspot is left unchecked, it will experience losses and will have an impact on damage to high-voltage equipment and transmission systems. For this reason, it is necessary to immediately repair hotspot anomalies with Live Line Maintenance (PDKB) in order to avoid energy losses, mechanical failures and electrical failures in the distribution system. In this study using quantitative and descriptive methods. The results of thermovision data on the 150kV Pelabuhan Ratu ? Semenjawa SUTT detected 2 hotspot points based on the calculation of the temperature difference at the maximum load (?T) on tower C.03-C.02 Phase S with ?T 55.76°C and tower C.61- C.62 Phase R with ?T 61.3°C. Hotspot anomaly mitigation is carried out by cleaning jumper terminals in towers C.03?C.02 Phase S and adding conductors with PG clamps on towers C.61?C.62 Phase R. The losses received due to hotspot anomalies (in rupiah) in 6 months (1 Semester of Performance) for 900VA power household customers amounted to Rp.3,853,605.6, 1300VA 2200VA power customers amounted to Rp.4,117,828, 38 and 3500VA power customers and above amounting to Rp.4,758,661.32.} }