@thesis{thesis, author={Sabarta Nizuar and Sudibyo Uno Bintang}, title ={Pengaruh Ketidakseimbangan Beban Terhadap Rugi-rugi Pada Penghantar Netral dan Efisiensi Transformator Gardu Distribusi LA017 PT. PLN Area Lahat}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={The unbalanced load in electric power distribution transformer always happen and it is caused by unsame weared energy. The effect of the unbalanced load is appear as a neutral current. These neutral current cause losses, those are losses caused by neutral current in neutral conductor on distribution transformers and losses caused by neutral current flows to ground. In analysing used model mathematical the problem covering equation unbalanced load, losses and efficiency. In conclusion, when high unbalanced load happened, then the neutral current that appear is also high, ultimately the losses that caused by the neutral current flows to ground will be high too. Transformer efficiency increases depending on whether the difference between power input and output is minor. Power losses caused by neutral current in neutral conductor (PN) is 0,906 kW, losses that caused by the neutral current flows to ground (PG) is 6,350 kW, and efficiency is 93,86%.} }