@thesis{thesis, author={Suwarno Suwarno and Syamsu Nirhana}, title ={KAJIAN KOORDINASI DIRECTIONAL OVERCURRENT RELAY & DIRECTIONAL GROUND FAULT RELAY SEBAGAI SISTEM PROTEKSI PENYULANG PARALEL GARDU INDUK GAMBIR BARU}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Faults that occurs in one of the feeder on the network using a parallel feeder will result a fault current flowing in both feeder, to be able to separate the faulted feeder is required have protective relay that have a directional element. The current condition of the Gardu Induk Gambir Baru feeder, which is Ungu and Putih feeder which serves to transfer power to the Gardu Distribusi TP 28N, is planned for the installation of Directional Overcurrent Relay (DOCR) and Directional Ground Fault Relay (DGFR) as its protection system. Addition of these protective relays will replace the existing protection equipment, the Load Break Switch (LBS). In this case, it is necessary to coordinate the protective relay and does the protection system simulation in software ETAP 12.6 in order to produce a protection system that can isolate the disturbing location appropriately on parallel repeater Ungu and Putih. Results obtained from protective relay simulation, the use of Overcurrent Relay (OCR), Ground Fault Relay (GFR), Directional Overcurrent Relay (DOCR) and Directional Ground Fault Relay (DGFR) as a protection system is capable of isolating or separating the faulted feeder from the distribution network and does not interfere with the performance of the non-faulted repeater} }