@thesis{thesis, author={Hajar Ibnu and Larasati Ririn Budi}, title ={STUDI SUSUT UMUR TRANSFORMATOR DISTRIBUSI AKIBAT PENGARUH TEMPERATUR PADA PT PLN (PERSERO) AREA SURAKARTA UPJ SUMBERLAWANG}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={One of the equipment in operation of electric power system that?s very important is the transformer. The transformer must be maintained in order to survive according to its age. The life of transformer can be reduced due to the influence of temperature, high temperatures cause aging in the insulation.Distribution transformer is an electrical equipment that has a direct role for the distribution of electricity to customers. Distribution transformer used for divide/distribute the current or electrical energy with voltage distribution so the amount of the lost of energy is not too much. In this skripsi uses a quantitative method where data collected in the form of numbers, processing data using formulas and the results are also numbers. Based on SPLN 50/97 and IEEE standard C57.91-2011, the temperature is about 30ºC with hot spot temperature 98 ºC ? 110 ºC age of transformer has set for 20,55 years (7500,75 days). Distribution transformer used is distribution transformer with ONAN cooling and the type of load is household customers. From the calculation on two distribution transformer, value loss of life transformer B1-144/285Q is 7,436 hours a day or 0,004130 % in one day and the transformer B1-285/10 is 8,116 hours a day or 0,004508 % in one day. If loss of life transformer occurs daily according the calculation, then the transformer?s life B1-144/285Q only lasted 14 years and transformer B1-285/10 only lasted 13 years.} }